I don't think the problem goes simply with the analyse of the unit.
The reason you see a lot of wolf archer atm is simple : cause there is too many defensive formations, mostly human, that are unpossbible to manage without this kind of arrassement. A good human turttling with archers and valkyria, landing multiple shots with 1% theoric chance because of Valkyria buff is imo worst than any wolf archer.
Fact is: no wolf player would have take a look at archery (loosing all benefit from Born Killer), if they didn't needed this to face human defense. IMO, if you take something to one side without taking it from the other, the first one won't be able to keep up anymore.
To put RAM in the analyse, i won't guess if they are or are not competitive, but at least they can put a lot of meet on the table, where any loss of wolfen creature before being able to hit enemy is probably meaning 'game over'.
Sorry for my approximative english.