Actually I wrote about a 400 Points game ^^ we get into fight directly but both sides had a badass tank (skull warrior) and Knight of the lion and at the end he flees with the last men..ok, two round more hadn`t make the great difference, his archer was too fast and he had the initiative so i never hat the chace to hit him... but at least i`am not these kind of peowergamer, I enjoy an thrilling battle even without permanently looking to the clock so there should e the possibility to choose between short (ten rounds) matches and longer or even open end games, when the tactic is to run away to rech the 11 round it doesn`t thrills me
So a point system as described by me should work much better.
P.S. You can also set a range so that there is a draw when the points in the 11 round are near by and only if there is a clear advantage on one site you win / loose.
-At the end of an VIP mission the one with the more healthy VIP should win in my opinion but these mode seems really unbalanced against wolfen at all, all you can do is try to play defensive and try to block all routes to your VIP, sending your hole army or just parts most times ending in beeing outmaneuvered against wolfen (if they are played well of course)