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The great feedback thread

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Re: The great feedback thread

PostThu Jun 26, 2014 9:24 am

A separate post for this.

The tutorial is still insufficient since it is not teaching the new players how to play the game. I've spoken to and played against 5 this week and each one has said that the tutorial doesn't actually teach you what the zones and elixirs are about. They felt it would be better to play a single game against an AI opponent to see how they all interact properly.

They also talked about how it is frustrating since it just feels like your clicking.
1. The active unit needs to be better highlighted since it gives you no feedback as to why you can't move another unit as you like

2. It seems to drag on and the important information is buried in walls of text.

It has been suggested that you create a small map (Lion Medium training map would be my suggestion) and only have a single melee and single range unit vs a single enemy unit. Use this to teach them how to move and how combat works.

Then have a second map where they then play an actual game but have it against an AI. In this mode explain what everything does. Something in this sequence. I would recommend the Acheron Map with two separate scoring zones.

1. Turn one have a box that explains deployment
2. Start of turn 2 an elixir spawns and now have a text box explaining what it is, what it does and victory conditions
3. Start of turn 3 you have the two zone become visible with a text box explaining what they are, how they work and re-iterate the victory conditions.
4. Let them play out the full game.

For the AI just make them play to the KOTH victory condition and ignore the Elixirs. Simple to program and the new player still gets to play a game that shows them how it all interacts.


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Re: The great feedback thread

PostThu Jun 26, 2014 9:44 am

Yeah it seems to be a really good idea.

For the sparkling it would be both :

3. Cap Sparklings at 1 per tier for 3 total.

4. Increase their cost.

If you only cap to 1,they are still a must to have unit.
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Re: The great feedback thread

PostThu Jun 26, 2014 9:48 am

Sparklings are once again a problem and for their cost I would suggest in order of least preference
1. Speed 8 no running.
2. Speed 5 or 6.
3. Cap Sparklings at 1 per tier for 3 total.
4. Increase their cost.

woha... lets not judge to soon... then already get quite strong nerf ( i think it was ninja -2 TOU called -1) becouse their current TOU is 3... and 3 makes them really really fragile.

The main problem is still quite random elixir spawn and option to grab and run with them away - not the sparklings that are really risky units right now.
ign: Draconnor, Cynwall player, 23 years in computer games, 14 years in battle games, 8 years in Confrontation Universe, 4 years of making own battle games.


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Re: The great feedback thread

PostThu Jun 26, 2014 10:48 am

I do agree it would need more testing before we do make any decisions. Though currently it is clear that something does need to be done here. I've just made a number of suggestions but I also suggest using only any one of them at a time. Discussion is what needs to happen before implementation though.

Oh I missed one out
3. Sparklings count as summed units. (ie cant contest and can be unsummoned by some spells)

Toughness 3 is still at least 2 attacks and on most maps and most spawns their speed keeps them entirely safe. This is true for any of the speed 7 mobile units but is exacerbated by the Sparklings because you can get two of them for one of any comparable unit.
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Re: The great feedback thread

PostThu Jun 26, 2014 1:42 pm

Toughness 3 is still at least 2 attacks and on most maps and most spawns their speed keeps them entirely safe. This is true for any of the speed 7 mobile units but is exacerbated by the Sparklings because you can get two of them for one of any comparable unit.

but two hits makes them great pursuit generators - and additional unsummoning would be terribly unfair.

while playing current acheron i no longer have problems with them - but still i dont meet mass spark bomb build.

But with old Tou (+2) they could had "cant pickup a elixir" (but can block hex with one) skill - but same should be added to morbid puppets.
ign: Draconnor, Cynwall player, 23 years in computer games, 14 years in battle games, 8 years in Confrontation Universe, 4 years of making own battle games.
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Re: The great feedback thread

PostThu Jun 26, 2014 1:54 pm

Dragon_Warrior wrote:question - about Choosen of Light (3'th tier of sparkling) "Blaze" skill - description says about -1 penalty and blocking ranged skills - while current spell provides -5 penalty and blocks even close combat skills.

So whats wrong description or skill? I must idmeet that -1 seemed really weak as for only support spell... but -5 makes really great impression :P

ign: Draconnor, Cynwall player, 23 years in computer games, 14 years in battle games, 8 years in Confrontation Universe, 4 years of making own battle games.
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Re: The great feedback thread

PostThu Jun 26, 2014 9:34 pm

2 another bugs:

Mage (Enchanter) with Fire at Will didn't get additional HtH attack

Choosen of Light is described as Warior Mage but using any spell instantly ends his activation
ign: Draconnor, Cynwall player, 23 years in computer games, 14 years in battle games, 8 years in Confrontation Universe, 4 years of making own battle games.


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Re: The great feedback thread

PostFri Jun 27, 2014 2:48 pm

I think one issue is that the current training missions are out of date, not saying remove them, the more content the better. But i think allowing the players to match up against an AI in Confrontation mode would help some players figure out the rules and how to best use units and orders etc. Or a matchmaking system to group low rank players with low rank players. One thing i'm frequently finding is players in the pvp mode who don't know what they are doing or make some mistakes that are obvious to us Veterans. We ofcourse stomp them into the ground. The game requires quite a bit of experience to be successful and i think that can be frustrating for some players when they are just starting out.

The last game i had i decided to start experimenting with Ram and the wolfen player spent the entire time at the top of the map as i gathered elixir. I think he was expecting me to move towards him but i was infinitely better off just sitting my army on the capture zone and waiting for him to come to me. Also i don't remember if you covered it but make sure players know they can check the stats of enemy units, quite a few times i've had opponents question why their arrows aren't hitting at 100% and i've had to tell them that the unit has ring of ice cast upon them.


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Re: The great feedback thread

PostFri Jun 27, 2014 3:46 pm

I had an odd thing happen and i'm not sure if it's a bug or maybe my finger slipped but i had a Dark Vassal in a Archeron map. He was originally stood up at like half/under half health by the right north wall, i used taunt on Melmoth and then moved the Vassal around him so he was touching the left wall i think? and clicked on the Skeleton archer now above him. The Vassal attacked Melmoth and obviously that didn't end well for the poor Vassal. I can't see any effects that Melmoth holds that would cause this so i can only think it was a bug, if not my own mistake somehow. x.x


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Re: The great feedback thread

PostFri Jun 27, 2014 5:04 pm

I saw at one point that someone suggested raising the prices of the Chimera. I'm all for this, but I also think that, considering that everyone thinks that the Warg is the weakest of the 3 legendries, maybe there should be a little return to the old "price tier," with the Warg being at the bottom.(That or buff the Warg) Ex -> Chimera-250ap, Flesh Golem-225, and the Warg-200. I also completely agree with any sentiments about the Chimera. She hits harder than the warg ever could. Last game I played she hit the warg for 39. If the player had sparklings, it would've been more. Also, a question, just for the players here, how is the Chimera NOT some variation of Warrior-Mage, when she hits to damn hard with both her spells and her melee?
Temper your aggression with strategy and you will be unstoppable. Fight with reckless abandon and you will be slaughtered.
Ign- Chimeraelite
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All criticisms are welcome. Just trying to start a dialogue on the game.

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