isgFaceless wrote:
You did not need any strategy to play this,that's the problem.It was juste,give mana to mage,give mana and heal,give mana and heal.Your unit were full hp,your mage had his 12 mana turn 1.That's mean any unit coming in range would die even turn 1 and for that you did not loose anything at all.And with that you could add 2 archer that deal 10-15 damage with 70 to 100% accu thanks to the valk.You sat far away,harras with archers and finish with mage.I dont call that strategy,a bot could do it because it's just a circle that dont allow your ennemy to get close.And even if he did manage to rush your mage,you just had to use divine favor to disengage and spend your 12 mana to kill the unit.
Players using this comp i faced had crazy stats like 18-2 or 40-6,standing at the top playing something around the 3 sparks+mage combo.
Now you can do something similar,but it has a cost,you dont give the power to kill any unit to your mage for free,and that's why it's more balance now.
isgFaceless wrote: That's why we alter builds according to buffs/nerfs, lines of scrimage, even the new BS deployments instead of just playing the "flavor of the month" company.
Read the comments,you will understand that ppl are just crying about the nerf,they dont try other things: "Lions are dead because they nerfed the spark -> game unbalanced".Now they can play the chimera,the kotl and still play their mage+sparks,but no devs killed the game.This kind of player dont try to adapt,they just cry.