Lima wrote:Ok guys clearly I didnt get my point across. I didnt say that the mage is expensive and the necro isnt and thats why it hits the mage harder. Im saying that a mage's importance in a setup is larger than a necros.
may i ask you how often you played ram? necros are as important as lion mages, either as a nuker or as a support. Death wave to be good requires a comp based ENTIRELY on the necro lvl 5. Necro lvl 3 healer gets even more raped by occult erosion than lion mages also as you are basically losing the healing spell you bought (lets say that probably 1-2 casts can be generally ok but then it gets too risky). The point is that without it the necro player can turtle endlessly with 3 necros. Same as the lion mage getting uber mana by the sparkling that can deal tremendous damages in 2 turns.
I find almost shocking you think that occult erosion > middle way. If the guy charges in mindlessly so that it can be surrounded and killed he played recklessly. The spell has to stay as it is (or very slightly tweaked, so that it works on normal units for less damage as DW suggested) because ram will risk to be in a though spot even more (take a look at the top 20: 70% wolf, 30% lion 0% ram - im pretty sure the "op" occult erosion isn't helping them too much).
as a tip: dont expose the mage until the paladin is death. It has crappy DOD so archers can get rid of him relatively fast without giving him faith to cast it + you can use seal of delarn on your sparklings and nuke the guy while hiding behind a rock. If you use a mage focused build i can't believe you dont have 3 sparklings...those charging him with the seal basically kill him. Also if you are obsessed by occult erosion you can take coscience and nuke the pala behind a rock. There, you played around occult erosion.