Deuzerre wrote:Just had a game.
POB with rutheless and blood lust.
The guy gets next to a full HP valkyrie in defensive stance (stuns her)
Uses Natural Selection
Uses War Fury or Master Strike, I do'nt know which.
26 damage on the first hit against my Valkyrie
Kills it with the second blow
Runs at a mage
Two-hits it.
Yeah, that's totally fine. 100% fine, really. And that's just one example of why I already don't enjoy playing anymore because of a single freaking unit.
That freakshow is too cheap, period.
they gave him too many offensive talents making the worg looking obsolete. Using master strike + war fury with a passive bloodlust is crazy, i agree
. Anyway vs a PoB i always consider his pursuit movement and each unit should be 4 squares far. Giving good pursuit movements to wolvens is very very bad. Also..defensive stance on a valkyrie if it can be engaged vs a PoB is wasted given the higher accuracy (+3 also with war fury).
just pointing out that the PoB is probably too strong but you also did some tactical mistakes there.