Thu Oct 30, 2014 11:38 am
The lions tier one champion killed outright my Ryskar and Rampart of the Graves (in one game), I actually think that for what it can do it really needs to be looked at again in terms of balance (but maybe that is just me, every time I have gone up against one they seem to do a lot of damage to my army before I can get close, not to mention if they have an elixer point they usually use it to use Mirage cloak to get away ), but then again I think that the killed outright should be taken from the game in general. Aside from Kerberos, I think that it is my most hated champ to go up against.
But I mean I can pick apart Kerberos and tell you exactly why he is overpowered vs all other champions in the game, but especially painful for wolfen players. So lets do that, to start off lets address his stats.
Acc 12 Dam 16
Par 5 Tou 17
Dod 4 WiL 10
These stats alone are crazy, like yeah he isn't really going to dodge or block anything, but does he need to? With his accuracy, getting into close combat to hit this guy gives a pretty big chance that he is going to hit you back and it is going to affect you more then him. This isn't even mentioning his, "enormous" bonus which gives him an extra 20 health on top of his already ridiculous toughness and damage output.
His ability crushing blow further adds to this catastrophe of unbalance, which gives him a free attack (since it doesn't confer a riposte from the unit hit) which reduces all main characteristics of the target by -6 until the end of the turn, so if he touches your unit and then has brains enough to attack that unit with his other units, it is probably going to die or be very hurt. He has powerful swipe which hits a enemy unit and the 2 tiles adjacent to itgiven his high damage the -6 damage modifier to the hit isn't really that bad of an attack. And then he has blood drinker as his final ability which gives him a +2 damage modifier until the end of the turn and if he kills a unit with the ability confers a +1 dam bonus for the rest of the game.
His passive stats aren't anything to scoff at either, starting with his fear aura which gives any friendly units within 5 hexagons fear 21 is just the tip of the iceberg. He is immune to fear, he ignores wound characteristics up to -3, He comes back to life while sucking the health of his friendly units around him, (which why wouldn't you be happy for them to die for such a noble cause in the first place?) he has a fear of 20 which is almost as outstanding as the aura he gives off, he gives the stunned penalty when he is engaged, and all at the cost of 200 ap.
Just like every other champion.... I'll repeat that... every... other... champion....
And don't get me wrong, I think that he is overpowered for every army out there right now, I just think that when you look at the different champions right now and how they all cost the same AP, you have a pretty big balance issue right there.
People complain about Wolfen all the time, but as of right now, our AP costs are unbalanced and keep us from fielding diverse armies for the most part, which is why you don't really see too many different Wolfen armies at the moment. (This has been my experience with it anyways)