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Some suggestions to bring players back

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Re: Some suggestions to bring players back

PostWed Oct 08, 2014 1:43 pm

Yeah, when it comes to balance, usually a team has a unit that can be a little overpowered, which is why you should have a limit set to how many you can use. Because then you usually won't have to nerf a unit, you just limit it. So people don't usually rage too hard about that.

I didn't realize that every unit had the kill outright ability. That would explain why my fang warrior was able to one-shot Kain the Scourge. I definitely don't agree with that. Seems silly and also the random factor behind it is a bit too game changing. Especially when you have this whole ranked ladder in everyone's face all the time. I think that it needs to be removed definitely.

The random factor can be pretty annoying as well. You should definitely be able to influence your game as much as possible. Obviously your dice rolls are random, that is one thing. But when you have elixers randomly popping up on the map, and the possibility for your troop to one hit a commander, that is just silly.


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Re: Some suggestions to bring players back

PostWed Oct 08, 2014 6:08 pm

Oh man, like for instance, like what happened today. I just had to go up against the champion Silienne and she killed outright 2 of my toons. My champion (so turn two lost my champ with none of my orders used) and my headhunter. To which at that point I wouldn't be able to hold control points, and I just lost 279 AP and I wasn't even within striking distance of the champ. Kill outright needs to go unless they keep it to like a champ to troop kill, then maybe I could support it. Also at the end of that, he called Wolfen OP.... okay...

But then later by abusing tactics like a boss I won against a Necro using Melmoth, where the game glitched and didn't give me the proper amount of units. Never encountered that before but I switched out in the pre-battle screen. So I was down 50 or so AP worth of units, so at least one Wolfen. We get to fighting and my scourge and rampart are doing work, while kelrys looks pretty and eats some damage. I sent my lightning to deal with his sorcs and eventually it gets widdled down to Melmoth (who took out my half health SOtL, ROtG, and 25% kelrys) and my lightning. I'm able to use my lightnings ability to get away and hold the control point while he just tries to kill me, comes down to a random elixer point popping up and I chance it and go for a sprint to obtain it and then end my turn on the control point. I get first turn and move to the other control point and win.

TLDR; I like actually having tactics, and control points. People call Wolfen OP (especially since I don't use GOE build) are getting ridiculous. I think champs definitely need to be looked at in terms of strength and what they are able to accomplish. I also think that they need different AP costs eventually.


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Re: Some suggestions to bring players back

PostThu Oct 09, 2014 1:58 pm

Wolfen have some big game changers that tend to make newbies froth at the mouth. The Wolfen also have some of the best healing and damage mitigation in the current game to help prop up their inferior numbers. They also have a really good tier 1 Champion compared to Ram and Lion's Champion is chop liver if the Wolfen get close to her. If you start the game as Wolfen you will probably have a easier time of ranking up than with the other two factions.


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Re: Some suggestions to bring players back

PostThu Oct 30, 2014 11:38 am

The lions tier one champion killed outright my Ryskar and Rampart of the Graves (in one game), I actually think that for what it can do it really needs to be looked at again in terms of balance (but maybe that is just me, every time I have gone up against one they seem to do a lot of damage to my army before I can get close, not to mention if they have an elixer point they usually use it to use Mirage cloak to get away ), but then again I think that the killed outright should be taken from the game in general. Aside from Kerberos, I think that it is my most hated champ to go up against.

But I mean I can pick apart Kerberos and tell you exactly why he is overpowered vs all other champions in the game, but especially painful for wolfen players. So lets do that, to start off lets address his stats.

Acc 12 Dam 16
Par 5 Tou 17
Dod 4 WiL 10

These stats alone are crazy, like yeah he isn't really going to dodge or block anything, but does he need to? With his accuracy, getting into close combat to hit this guy gives a pretty big chance that he is going to hit you back and it is going to affect you more then him. This isn't even mentioning his, "enormous" bonus which gives him an extra 20 health on top of his already ridiculous toughness and damage output.

His ability crushing blow further adds to this catastrophe of unbalance, which gives him a free attack (since it doesn't confer a riposte from the unit hit) which reduces all main characteristics of the target by -6 until the end of the turn, so if he touches your unit and then has brains enough to attack that unit with his other units, it is probably going to die or be very hurt. He has powerful swipe which hits a enemy unit and the 2 tiles adjacent to itgiven his high damage the -6 damage modifier to the hit isn't really that bad of an attack. And then he has blood drinker as his final ability which gives him a +2 damage modifier until the end of the turn and if he kills a unit with the ability confers a +1 dam bonus for the rest of the game.

His passive stats aren't anything to scoff at either, starting with his fear aura which gives any friendly units within 5 hexagons fear 21 is just the tip of the iceberg. He is immune to fear, he ignores wound characteristics up to -3, He comes back to life while sucking the health of his friendly units around him, (which why wouldn't you be happy for them to die for such a noble cause in the first place?) he has a fear of 20 which is almost as outstanding as the aura he gives off, he gives the stunned penalty when he is engaged, and all at the cost of 200 ap.

Just like every other champion.... I'll repeat that... every... other... champion....
And don't get me wrong, I think that he is overpowered for every army out there right now, I just think that when you look at the different champions right now and how they all cost the same AP, you have a pretty big balance issue right there.

People complain about Wolfen all the time, but as of right now, our AP costs are unbalanced and keep us from fielding diverse armies for the most part, which is why you don't really see too many different Wolfen armies at the moment. (This has been my experience with it anyways)


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Re: Some suggestions to bring players back

PostThu Oct 30, 2014 12:59 pm

Black Heart is actually a really big weakness for Kerberos, if he dies you can take most or all of his army with him. Sure he gets his health back but the ability keeps on killing units beyound the amount of health he can actually get from them. Kerberos is a really big issue for Wolfen because they don't have an effective counter and their only effective counter in the form of a champion relies on a rediculously low rng KIll Outright elixir skill to counter him. He can beat most if not all Wolfen setups besides the Guardian of Equilibrium build exploiting the bugged Scourge: Magician to blast him down with sheer force.

As Wolfen he is pretty impossible to beat but Lions can direct counter him with Chimera + Archmage and other Ram armies don't have to worry about most of his abilities. 3 or 4 Imperturbable Bowman really stick it to him. I'm of the mind that the problem lies more with the Wolfen than with him atleast with how the game is currently set up. The game can be very rock paper scizzors at times.


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Re: Some suggestions to bring players back

PostSun Nov 02, 2014 4:06 am

Even still, that is all well and good for the other races that can counter. But because there is that imbalance where one race can't it's a moot point. It should be balanced for every army. I've wanted to try fighting him with the Wolfen master of water, but I don't have enough rank (1 more level to go). But even still, then you have the problem of having to use that one unit every time just to counter Kerberos (if it even works). Right now I think that some of our AP costs are a bit skewed and should be dealt with. But sometimes it feels like the developers just don't care as much about this and just want to keep pushing Aarklash.


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Re: Some suggestions to bring players back

PostSun Nov 02, 2014 9:01 am

No i agree with you. I'm not sure if it's because of unit balance or if it's just how the developers designed the game but the armies are very hard counter based. Currently it's like this: Chimera > Kerberos > Emerok > Chimera. This might not be such an issue if there was more working variety that allowed the different armies to be less predictable.

I think maybe all of the Champions need to be reworked to be weaker. The Lion Champions are a perfect example of why they are too powerful and force a very counter heavy game not helped by unit imbalances. The Lion champions are all very heavily focused in one direction, Silienne hits like a truck and outmaneuvers anything with less than 5 move with ease, Arinius is completely unapproachable by melee units, cannot be feared, uneffected by encirclement and so on. Chimera now is more balanced since she can no longer cast Celestial Scourge back to back but she is still pretty powerful with the best spells in the game and the best elixir skill in the game.

At the very least theres too much hard counter going on with the Champions which often means instant win in some circumstances.


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Re: Some suggestions to bring players back

PostTue Nov 04, 2014 3:43 am

The only way they are going to figure it out though is trial and error. They need to be testing this stuff or have a team that tests it out.
I'm just wondering if the Devs are paying attention to the forums, I'm going to try to keep posting and hopefully more people will post as well, if at nothing to show support. I feel like they had a lot of people come in and complain about how things were and then left, and that was probably a bit disheartening. I would like to see more posts from the Devs themselves, just to be posted on what they are working on currently and trying to work out in the design process.


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Re: Some suggestions to bring players back

PostWed Feb 17, 2016 10:02 am

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