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Game purpose / balance

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Game purpose / balance

PostThu Mar 27, 2014 12:44 pm


I was an old time "confrontation 3 / 3.5" player, pretty involved in the game community. At that time the discussion at the "federation du dragon rouge" was to manage to balance competitive gaming (whereas the game maker produced miniatures without tournament in mind).

We decided to somewhat balance tournament armies for KOTH scenario rather than true deathmatch, and tournament format (400AP... but it doesn't mean the same as Dogs of war online AP) was tuned a game lasting less than 1 hour.

I started Dogs of War online and enjoyed a lot what was made, the gameplay reminds me a lot the miniature games and though I'm not a great fan of the freemium business model, I'm OK with it.

Now, I'm a bit disappointed about the game I played so far : starting with 200 (now 250) AP is not enough to play KOTH, but is fun in deathmacth, and when reaching 400AP I found game duration way too long, even in deathmatch.

I felt myself sad to never level my wolfen just to be able to build armies that match the AP requirement (though it's less true with last patch).
I got bored by campers that do nothing during the first round except a long range bow shot.
I got tired by the 400AP that last too long just watching the other player do his move (specially wolfen vs undead puppett spam even though I have a lot of fangs and crossbow).

Before getting more involved in the game I'd like to know what the dev's have in mind :
- is the main gaming experience (let's say balance purpose) is 400AP deathmatch ?
- What are their objectif in term of game duration ?

I'd be pleased if the answer is 400AP KOTH in 15minutes ;)
ça manque quand même de compo chêne rouge : Syriak 2nd incarnation (invocation d'animae) + prédateurs sanglants + sentinelle wolfen + guerriers 32
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Re: Game purpose / balance

PostThu Mar 27, 2014 12:53 pm

I haven't had a King of the Hill last longer than 4 turns in the 400AP matches. KoTH is super quick. Too quick in my opinion.

And seriously, when playing RAM against WOLF, do you really expect the RAM player to come rushing at you when you have units that can make it half way across the map and exploit any holes in their defensive line. I personally hate when WOLF players get mad when they other player doesn't rush them, they are the army built for rushing.

I'm fine when Wolfen players don't rush, but don't get mad when the other player doesn't rush you. To many players expect the opponent to play how they want them to play and get angry when they don't. I have fallen into this category, but am learning that this is war, adapt to whatever your opponent does and don't just get mad when they play how they want to (and not how you want them to).
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Re: Game purpose / balance

PostThu Mar 27, 2014 1:03 pm

I personally hate when WOLF players get mad when they other player doesn't rush them, they are the army built for rushing.

I'm fine when Wolfen players don't rush, but don't get mad when the other player doesn't rush you. To many players expect the opponent to play how they want them to play and get angry when they don't.


If someone thinks that lion army is build for rushing wolfens - then he should try that also.
IMO RAM have much more units that can try hth combat with wolfens (skeletons, puppets, paladin, crane, golem ;) ) but its mostly still a silly idea ;)
ign: Draconnor, Cynwall player, 23 years in computer games, 14 years in battle games, 8 years in Confrontation Universe, 4 years of making own battle games.
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Re: Game purpose / balance

PostThu Mar 27, 2014 1:54 pm

About rushing : somebody has to make an open move, with fewer units that can't reach ennemy and attack on the first round it's a hard sacrifice to make just to start to play... and I don't like being forced to spend 2 full rounds just moving units behind covers to be able to make proper charge / melee on the third round. That's why I will try KOTH harder :-)

I also found that waiting 45s for each unit on death match is too long. What about a 5 minutes timer for the whole army in addition to the 45s max per unit ?
ça manque quand même de compo chêne rouge : Syriak 2nd incarnation (invocation d'animae) + prédateurs sanglants + sentinelle wolfen + guerriers 32
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Re: Game purpose / balance

PostThu Mar 27, 2014 2:04 pm

I also found that waiting 45s for each unit on death match is too long. What about a 5 minutes timer for the whole army in addition to the 45s max per unit ?

no way
its not mindless RTS with closed builds :P

If you want to be good you need to calculate really many things.

About rushing : somebody has to make an open move, with fewer units that can't reach ennemy and attack on the first round it's a hard sacrifice to make just to start to play... and I don't like being forced to spend 2 full rounds just moving units behind covers to be able to make proper charge / melee on the third round. That's why I will try KOTH harder

I never fully wait/camp for enemy - and make small moves if nesecary - but if anyone counts that i rush his hth band... well - suicide is not exacly my type of tactics :P
ign: Draconnor, Cynwall player, 23 years in computer games, 14 years in battle games, 8 years in Confrontation Universe, 4 years of making own battle games.
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Re: Game purpose / balance

PostThu Mar 27, 2014 2:15 pm

Dragon_Warrior wrote:
If you want to be good you need to calculate really many things.

I agree that calculating is a good thing, but my point is that you have plenty of time to plan your moves while your opponent is playing. 5min means 10 if you take into account that there are 2 players :-)

I never fully wait/camp for enemy - and make small moves if nesecary - but if anyone counts that i rush his hth band... well - suicide is not exacly my type of tactics :P

I've unfortunately played against people who waited systematically the last 5s to make their move... and I admit that once I have "rage quit" :(
ça manque quand même de compo chêne rouge : Syriak 2nd incarnation (invocation d'animae) + prédateurs sanglants + sentinelle wolfen + guerriers 32
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Re: Game purpose / balance

PostThu Mar 27, 2014 2:35 pm

I personally like games where both sides are using the first two rounds to set each other up. Waiting for the other to make a move that shows an opening. I like the strategy behind it. I don't mind when I'm rushed on the first move as well and the rest of the game is just battling, but it's just a little more mindless. I prefer strategy, not just killing.
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Re: Game purpose / balance

PostThu Mar 27, 2014 2:52 pm

I'm not saying that I don't like strategy, but what's the point of camping / retreating during 2 rounds ? Beside getting on the other player nerves so that he makes mistakes ? I feel like it's just loosing time. I'm not talking about moving units to get better covers or grouping melee units close to the upcoming front which is normal play.

Confrontation Miniature game was an appetizer game, even during the tournament you talked about your armies with your opponent or with your friends which played the table next to you. I miss that part of the game, sometimes you can talk with your opponent, but not that much, that make me feel the waiting time xeven more longer and the campers more boring.
I'll try to tease them next time.

But as I said, I'll try KOTH harder :-)
ça manque quand même de compo chêne rouge : Syriak 2nd incarnation (invocation d'animae) + prédateurs sanglants + sentinelle wolfen + guerriers 32
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Re: Game purpose / balance

PostThu Mar 27, 2014 3:13 pm

MomOw wrote:I'm not saying that I don't like strategy, but what's the point of camping / retreating during 2 rounds?

The point is strategy. The fool who rushes in without thinking, almost always loses.
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Re: Game purpose / balance

PostThu Mar 27, 2014 3:23 pm

Let me guess, you don't like chess either.

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