I like dominion map because i believe it could possibly be very balanced, maybe more than deathmatch. The problem is that right now it is not
What would make it more balanced :
- Dominion map should be revisited a little : i dont like that is possible to gain points CLOSE to the deployement zone as sometimes the game revoles around -> i try to snipe some of your units (ie: casters) then i retreat to my area. This also kind of favor more "turtling" strategies than other comps. Solution -> make the multiple control area in the middle of the map to favor clashing and discourage this kind of gameplay.
- Dominion map starting tooltip is also WRONG. It is not 2000 AP but 500! 500 at least makes for some fast games, sometimes that finish at turn 3...where certain companies do not have the necessary power to kill some units but just to engage, hopefully within the dominion area.
- Necromancers could be quite OP as they can engage TWO units with the morbid puppets (thus making the other player gain less points). Solution -> make morbid puppets provide no engage AP penalty.
- Dominion map is becoming a draw festival. Had today this situation -> remaining units 1 priest (127 AP) + 1 pala (107 AP) full life vs 1 Worg (217 AP) at 10 HP. Yeah i even had more AP than him + his worg was heavily wounded -> draw. Reasonable right? AP should be calculated with the remaining health. So..a draw is gained every time both players reach 500 simultaneously? this has to go at least...maybe give a 10-15 AP range but when i obtained 70+AP than the enemy i shouldn't get a draw (and i dont even mention the HP difference!).
regarding the other modes:
- i had about 30 games in this patch and yet...i did VIP once. Coincidence? i doubt so
I guess flesh golem players do not love that mode (
). Wolven there have a slight advantage but if you have a right setup you can manage to win. The issue is that often the players do not have the right setup
-Deathmatch : it is fun and all but certain maps favor a lot turtle strategies (i love when two turtle armies just stare at each other). There is the "long" behemot map that has the funniest deployment zone for archers or caster. You can basically hide behind a bush and do a little cute train of archers/casters while blocking that path with walls of units (2 are enough...but can be piled up creating effectively a wall of 2 units + other 2 that can be engaged by a maximum of 2 other enemy units!). The other player has therefore 2 choices: try to rush these two units...kill them and then kill another 2, doing all this while being very exposed to archers and mages as there is no way to engage them as the map has the invisible walls. The other option is staring and them and going for the draw.