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PostSat Feb 15, 2014 10:00 am

Do you intend to build a replay system if the game starts growing success? It helps keeping a living community, by sharing your "great successes" with friends, analysing your won mistakes , etc...

FOr example I just played a match against a guy that said he was ranked 21st (when I'm at a lowly 229 or something with my wolves, and he was playing Archeron)

He kept complaining about "odds to hit that didn't work". Well, his first time complaining about it saw him lose a Gargoyle to a Guardian of the runes that only had to hit once to finish him. He hit me, but I counter attacked and killed him. I'd have been curious to know the chances to hit.

Same later on, when several guys parried to kingdom come. Admittedly, even his failed attacks wouldn't have changed most of the game (I'd have lost 2 guys instead of 1) but it would have been interesting. Most of his mistakes came from Scorning WOLF though, especially since I didn't have a POB :P )

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