After some trials to get in the correct position without being hurt beforehand, here is the screenshot:
- screenshot.jpg (98.54 KiB) Viewed 5684 times
Wolfen Archer with Contact Shot ability in contact with a Valkyrie (she was already hurt, 30HP total, she engaged, not charged, the Wolfen didn't move and was at full health, no orders were used neither by the Wolfen nor the Valkyrie) -> 20% probability to hit! Without contact shot what would it be? 0%?
After the turn finished, the probability went up to about 50-60%, so the Contact Shot seems to work only the turn after the unit has been engaged (rendering it pretty useless, since the unit will seldom survive a 1vs1 with a melee unit for more than 1 turn... or you get a penalty of about 30-40% to be
engaged, not charged, it seems strange...)