Bonjour à tous,
En vue de l'ouverture de la Bêta fermé officielle très prochainement, le patch note sera désormais posté dans la section news.
Le voici !
- DogsOfWar logo now includes "beta" state
- Updated mailbox button
- Added resale price for items that can be sold in Armory
- Fixed filters update using the editbox in Shop
- Removed deprecated Expert mode option
- Added new User-Profile option page
- Options can be opened by clicking on the player name in lobby
- Updated Ladder display
- Added player names in ladder
- Fixed lobby music not being played if sound option is too slow at launch
- Prevented player invitation to private game if he's already playing or resolving a postmatch
- Various localization changes
- Fixed help pages alignment and tweaked some help contents
- Added help page for Play popup
- Added recruit friends system in Options
- Added button to copy your SteamID to your clipboard
- Added system for content key activation
- Removed Social tab in preparation for more users
- Fixed issue during transition between tutorial (home & postmatch) and matchmaking
- Fixed error message if registration fails
- Fixed error message on registration success
- Fixed being stuck to postmatch if you refuse a game while playing solo
- No matchmaking invitation while loading a solo game or during postmatch
- Player is now correctly kicked from matchmaking when coming back from a solo game with and invalid company (like if units died)
- Lobby timer is now reset in case of disconnection
- Fixed issues in adjustement validation
- Fixed possible issue with prematch users synchronization
- Prevented cases where player could be stucked after solo game ends
- Fixed some match sounds during unit attack, unit is attacked, death, parry, dodge and cast
- Added sound in recent first map
- Added a sound on charge start, charge hit, ally death, enemy death
- New graphic colors for units hexagons and their movement: Ally/Enemy/Activation
- Added VFX feedbacks for Orthodox / Iconoclast area
- New VFX for Faith contributions
- Added VFX for shooting diatance area and shooting distance sight
- Added covers display on units targeted by archers
- Updated charge VFX and added impact VFX
- Added screen borders when the opponnent is playing
- Attack and Cast estimations have been moved to top-right corner
- Updated rerolls and autorolls rules. Now "Bad Omen" and "Favorable Auspices" will purge each other on application. "Reroll" Order will trigger even after a "Bad Omen" forced roll
- Run range is now hidden when the cursor is in the Move range
- Fixed charge destination estimation
- Fixed movement range and interactions on pursuit
- Various improvements and fixes on ingame interactions (mouse focus, covers, path, FX...).
- Changes in the Light Punishment spell effects (reduced range, reduced damage, reduced mana cost)
- AP (Army Points) costs changed for most Traits
- Fang Warrior characteristics and AP cost greatly changed
- AP costs changed for many units
- Due to these previous changes, most starting Decks had to change in order to fit their 250 AP limit
- Wound chances were changed for many modes
- No more cooldown on the diving strike ability
- Faith system changed a bit ; Faith now has a max pool per turn depending on the Faithful level - others mechanics were untouched
- Many changes for Miracles:
* Exhausting Touch now cost less Faith
* Bad omen now costs 2 Faith
* Honor of the Black Paladins now adds a +3 Fear effect to all Paladins in the Faith Area
* Hymn to Destiny now has a Direct Damage effect on units that are not summoned. Its range was increased (from 6 to 8), and its difficulty reduced
* Internal Rage was changed (increased effects, reduced cost, reduced number of calls / activation, increased AP cost)
* No more limits for Inversion targets
* Mortal Insolence duration was reduced
* Luminous Remission now has a minor heal effect (along with the regen effect)
* Occult Erosion now has a direct damage effect (along with the mana burn and the curse)
* Spiritual aggression now has better damage, and its AP cost was changed
* Middle Way now has a range of 8 (up from 6)
* Martial Inspiration now has a +3 STR bonus (instead of +2) ;
* Incarnation of Justice now deals 15 damage per blow and give 15 damage to the Valkyrie for each blow
- Fixed some cases where the Chimera could not be targeted by Warrior-Mages or Legendary units effects
- Divine Favor Order effect description is now more accurate
En vue de l'ouverture de la Bêta fermé officielle très prochainement, le patch note sera désormais posté dans la section news.
Le voici !
- DogsOfWar logo now includes "beta" state
- Updated mailbox button
- Added resale price for items that can be sold in Armory
- Fixed filters update using the editbox in Shop
- Removed deprecated Expert mode option
- Added new User-Profile option page
- Options can be opened by clicking on the player name in lobby
- Updated Ladder display
- Added player names in ladder
- Fixed lobby music not being played if sound option is too slow at launch
- Prevented player invitation to private game if he's already playing or resolving a postmatch
- Various localization changes
- Fixed help pages alignment and tweaked some help contents
- Added help page for Play popup
- Added recruit friends system in Options
- Added button to copy your SteamID to your clipboard
- Added system for content key activation
- Removed Social tab in preparation for more users
- Fixed issue during transition between tutorial (home & postmatch) and matchmaking
- Fixed error message if registration fails
- Fixed error message on registration success
- Fixed being stuck to postmatch if you refuse a game while playing solo
- No matchmaking invitation while loading a solo game or during postmatch
- Player is now correctly kicked from matchmaking when coming back from a solo game with and invalid company (like if units died)
- Lobby timer is now reset in case of disconnection
- Fixed issues in adjustement validation
- Fixed possible issue with prematch users synchronization
- Prevented cases where player could be stucked after solo game ends
- Fixed some match sounds during unit attack, unit is attacked, death, parry, dodge and cast
- Added sound in recent first map
- Added a sound on charge start, charge hit, ally death, enemy death
- New graphic colors for units hexagons and their movement: Ally/Enemy/Activation
- Added VFX feedbacks for Orthodox / Iconoclast area
- New VFX for Faith contributions
- Added VFX for shooting diatance area and shooting distance sight
- Added covers display on units targeted by archers
- Updated charge VFX and added impact VFX
- Added screen borders when the opponnent is playing
- Attack and Cast estimations have been moved to top-right corner
- Updated rerolls and autorolls rules. Now "Bad Omen" and "Favorable Auspices" will purge each other on application. "Reroll" Order will trigger even after a "Bad Omen" forced roll
- Run range is now hidden when the cursor is in the Move range
- Fixed charge destination estimation
- Fixed movement range and interactions on pursuit
- Various improvements and fixes on ingame interactions (mouse focus, covers, path, FX...).
- Changes in the Light Punishment spell effects (reduced range, reduced damage, reduced mana cost)
- AP (Army Points) costs changed for most Traits
- Fang Warrior characteristics and AP cost greatly changed
- AP costs changed for many units
- Due to these previous changes, most starting Decks had to change in order to fit their 250 AP limit
- Wound chances were changed for many modes
- No more cooldown on the diving strike ability
- Faith system changed a bit ; Faith now has a max pool per turn depending on the Faithful level - others mechanics were untouched
- Many changes for Miracles:
* Exhausting Touch now cost less Faith
* Bad omen now costs 2 Faith
* Honor of the Black Paladins now adds a +3 Fear effect to all Paladins in the Faith Area
* Hymn to Destiny now has a Direct Damage effect on units that are not summoned. Its range was increased (from 6 to 8), and its difficulty reduced
* Internal Rage was changed (increased effects, reduced cost, reduced number of calls / activation, increased AP cost)
* No more limits for Inversion targets
* Mortal Insolence duration was reduced
* Luminous Remission now has a minor heal effect (along with the regen effect)
* Occult Erosion now has a direct damage effect (along with the mana burn and the curse)
* Spiritual aggression now has better damage, and its AP cost was changed
* Middle Way now has a range of 8 (up from 6)
* Martial Inspiration now has a +3 STR bonus (instead of +2) ;
* Incarnation of Justice now deals 15 damage per blow and give 15 damage to the Valkyrie for each blow
- Fixed some cases where the Chimera could not be targeted by Warrior-Mages or Legendary units effects
- Divine Favor Order effect description is now more accurate