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Wolfen Strategies

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Wolfen Strategies

PostSun Jun 22, 2014 6:55 am

So i figured i'd share my current build that i feel is working well so far. Obviously i haven't extensively tested all of the units but i feel this setup does well against Lions. Wolfen would be the least ideal since many of the benefits don't apply against an opposing Wolfen team. Melmoth lead swarm armies obliterate this setup.

Emerok, Guardian of the Runes
Runic Warrior of the Wolf
Devotee of Y'llia
Wolfen Assault Crossbowman
Great Fang Wolfen x 2

200 + 298 = 498

Emerok can hit Lion's hard, used properly Chant of Fate can hurt your opponent alot. Not only is it pretty powerful on it's own but hit a weakened enemy and boom! Any units within a 3 grid radius will get smacked, although that also includes your own units. Mortal Insolence lets you recover his HP and attack an enemy without any damage being dealt to him. Flask of Destiny lets you recover precious hp for all your Wolfen allies around you and prevents pesky magicians and chimeras from being able to blitz you with spells.

The Runic Warrior is primarily there to soak up damage and dish out some damage against opponents that hit back hard, since Mortal Insolence will allow him to attack without losing health. The devotee of Y'llia lets you buff your Crossbowman with Y'llia's wrath, Mask of Ghandar can help one of your other units evade becoming frightened or allow it to frighten an enemy and Y'llia's love helps recover the health of one of your wolfen allies. Mostly the latter two spells are of less importance.

The Assault is your survivalist Crossbowman and i find he does his job fairly well. Move in close and pelt the enemy with Y'llia's wrath offensive stance attacks. I haven't managed to get that many opportunities to use Assault Fire but even without it he's worth having for contact shot and fierce. The Great Fangs are your brutes and they can deal large chunks of damage and utilise Protection of Y'llia to negate the negatives of Mighty Blow.

This setup works really well if you move your units around in a big group and make sure to intercept as many elixir spawns as you can. What are you guys using in your Wolfen army? find any useful combos?


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Re: Wolfen Strategies

PostWed Jun 25, 2014 4:55 pm

I totally misjudged the Enchanter, when i first played with him, in the new mode he seemed really weak and too focused on defense. But i have since changed my mind, the enchanter is a beast if left unchecked. He can throw out as many spells as he wants so long as he has the mana it seems. So if he has 3 mana he can throw out 3 rings of ice.
edit: he can throw out 3 spells maximum, still pretty good.

Currently i'm running this setup and haven't been defeated in the last 3 battles i've had so far, need some more battles to be sure of what all of it's strengths are but it does well against archer heavy compositions and against enemies who rely on Counter-Attack.

Emerok, Guardian of the Runes. 200 AP

Rampart of the Graves or Scourge of Looters for ram opponents 107/95 ap
Wolfen Fang x2 86 ap
Wolfen Enchanter 51 ap
Devotee of Yllia 55 ap
499/487 ap

My tactics are usually to have my Rampart of the Graves defensive stance sprint to the Elixir if it's in range and then moving my other units forward behind him. He isn't going to take much damage with defensive stance up usually and if he does take some damage he's an ideal recipient for alot of the healing benefits the composition holds. throwing out ring of ice onto the weaker units will protect them from being sniped and i think in my last battle i actually used Yllia's love more than Wrath or atleast as much as Wrath. Ring of ice and Yllia's love work well together having a good chance of negating some damage whichever form they choose. I've yet to see a mage heavy composition but if i did i would certainly be making some use out of ring of mist.
Last edited by Astralwyrm on Sat Aug 30, 2014 6:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: Wolfen Strategies

PostWed Jun 25, 2014 7:27 pm

I think you lack some damage.If your ennemy has a comp that can take the orbs faster and has more unit to control the map (if you play against ram or lions it happen often) you would have troubles.You almost have 3 support on your team,1 tank and 2 fang with "just" decent damages.

Did you try the same comp with the worg or even ryskar ? I think it would be stronger.


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Re: Wolfen Strategies

PostSat Jun 28, 2014 4:04 am

I'm thinking of running this instead, to incorporate Ryskar i had to change most of my units, to fit him more and to counter what Emerok was in the group to counter.

Ryskar 200 AP

Runic Warrior of the Wolf 79 AP
Guardian of the Equilibrium 65 AP
Wolfen Enchanter 51 AP
Wolfen Reaper x 2 100 AP

200 + 295 = 495 AP

Guardian of the Equilibrium counters Chimera and other light and dark mages with Middle-way. While his Hymn of Destiny allows him to weaken a unit for the others in the team and counter counter-attackers. Enchanter throws out protective spells and the odd mortification if it becomes necessary. Runic Warrior of the Wolf steams off ahead to try to lay claim on the elixir/capture point and absorb some damage for everyone else. The Reapers are added pressure and they can sneak behind enemy lines and ambush archers with Hunter's mark. Combat instinct will help them when/if they then get encircled.
Last edited by Astralwyrm on Sat Aug 30, 2014 6:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: Wolfen Strategies

PostSat Jun 28, 2014 10:50 am

Seems good.Maybe switching out your guardian of the equilibrium if you play aganst ram because you can kill a necro/priest in one turn with ryskar.


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Re: Wolfen Strategies

PostSat Jun 28, 2014 10:02 pm

for a time, I used to play with this :
Emerok (against ram) or Ryskar 200 AP
wolfen fang warrior x2 86 AP
wolfen reaper x2 100 AP
wolfen bolt x2 114 AP

total 500 AP

deployment : I place the bolts on the right and the left of the map.
on the same deploy zone : my 2 reapers first then the fangs, then my champion.

first turn :
I make the closest bolt to the orb run at it to fetch it. I withdraw it to the center or back to safety.
I run my first reaper on the objective with a defensive stance.
then I run the other one right behind it.
then the two fangs, in position to attack after engagement. then my champion. they occupy the objective to prevent the enemy to move on it.
I play the other bolt last (after using my "wait" orders) to go close to the center.
most of the time I get 2 points.

second turn.
I go fetch the orb with a bolt and I move it on the objective.
I attack. I move the reapers to contact using my last defensive stance on the first I move. they stun the enemies. I try to reach the enemy champion.
then my fangs follow and my champion they may . I leave enough units to insure the control of the objective (I mostly use the last bolt, if I don't use it against the enemy champion).
+2 points

third turn.
I do everything I can to kill the enemy champion and bring me the victory.

strength : my two fetchers are really efficient. they come right in front of the enemy and go back : really harassing for the opponent. Ryskar is good at killing enemy champions, Emerok is excellent against ram armies with necromancers (because skeletons = BOOM !)

weaknesses : no real mage-counter. vulnerable against armies using the same "2 fetchers" strategy (alahan with 2 lions, ram with 2 gargoyles).
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Re: Wolfen Strategies

PostWed Jul 02, 2014 6:49 pm

so many wolfen players this week ;D

most of games ends in 2nd turn :D

wolfen may not be strongest faction but definitely they provide fastest games ;)

ign: Draconnor, Cynwall player, 23 years in computer games, 14 years in battle games, 8 years in Confrontation Universe, 4 years of making own battle games.


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Re: Wolfen Strategies

PostFri Jul 04, 2014 4:23 pm

Getting fed up of being beaten to the Elixir i decided to take a leaf from Gecko =P

Ryskar 200 AP

Runic Warrior of the Wolf 79 AP
Guardian of the Equilibrium 65 AP
Wolfen Enchanter 51 AP
Wolfen War Lightning 57 AP
Wolfen Fang Warrior 43 AP

200 + 295 = 495 AP

All that changes here really is that instead of deploying all my units together, i deploy the Wolfen War Lightning on one side and the others on the other side. If i get 1st turn and the elixir is near the Wolfen War Lightning i take it with him and use defensive stance if need be. He can parry/dodge alot with defensive stance up. If i don't or otherwise it's not possible then i use him to add to the capture point and in the jungle map i use him to wall off the middle from the opponent. This lets me get 5 units onto the capture points and makes it alot more difficult for my opponent to do the same. The rest of my strategy is basically the same except that all my defensive stances tend to go to the War Lightning so he can wall for the maximum amount of time.


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Re: Wolfen Strategies

PostFri Aug 15, 2014 2:28 am

Very nice!! help me a lot this post! but now i have my own build here it is:


2 War of Lightning
2 Guariam of Equilibrium
1 Wolven Enchanter

495 AP

WL have nice damage and awesome movement to take down archers and weeks hero for behind
GE give advantage with 1 magic attack and 2 normal attacks medium units
WE for heal and nice buffs!

Kelrys Tank and great damage and ACC for units

Ever send kelrys last on the start and when starts a round with heavy fitgh start with him for "Growl" buff for units use Wisely :)


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Re: Wolfen Strategies

PostMon Oct 13, 2014 9:25 am

Well i decided to use Kelrys in my most recent games and this is the setup that i'm using with quite a bit of success.

x 2 Guardian of Equilibrium - Outright best units in the game, good stats in all areas and can soften enemies with Hymn of Destiny and block light and dark magic with Middle Way.
x 1 Wolfen Raider - Kelrys' Howl gives the raider an extra 2 acc, to compensat for Herassment's -3 acc malus. They are good burst damage when you need it, move the raider into a good position such as within 2 hexagons of the target or where there aren't any of your own bodies in the way. Use Offensive stance + Herassment to Double hit your target and move your raider away.
x 1 War Lightning - Does what Kelrys can't do, move long distances. He can take out units you've softened up with your other Wolfen and he can intercept elixir orbs. Kelrys also covers his weakness to fear.
x1 Wolfen Enchanter - Heals and mitigates damage aimed at your other units.

497 AP

So far i find the hardest opponents are Silienne users, since she can just stay way out of range and win leadership rolls it's incredibly difficult to take Silienne down.

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