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Changelog Beta - Update 0.11

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Jolly Roger

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Changelog Beta - Update 0.11

PostWed Jan 15, 2014 11:44 am

Le jeu a été mis a jour ce matin ! Voici le changelog :

General :
- Added Unit Color items to customize portraits and 3D models (Necromancer applies its color on his puppets)
- Added Barracks in the inventory section. Barracks can be bought from the shop and provide recruitment of lvl 1 units
- Added some new Events
- Added many Missions and fixed some existing ones
- Fixed some crash when browsing/applying for missions
- Tweaked mission results UI
- Added blocking UI in mission registration process to properly synchronizater data
- Replaced the Training map with 9 new maps (3 factions on 3 difficulty levels)
- Fixed some situations where AI could be stucked
- Beginner map has 60s/turn and no orders
- Removed beginner map after lvl.5
- Tweaked the AP formula; as a result, most units AP costs changed slightly
- Changed some skills AP costs
- Some units saw their characteristics change to better fit their roles; their AP cost was changed respectively
- Added brackets to matchmaking: players must now queue to games with fixed AP limits, and prematch page will always be displayed
- Due to the AP brackets changes, all starting teams were changed to better fit the first bracket
- Prematch compensation tweaked to better assess composition when reaching the timeout
- Added small rewards for FriendChallenging mode
- Fixed issue with friend last disconnected time
- Added 10-turns limit to Deathmatch mode
- Tweaked friend recruiting system
- Fixed many English and French localization
- Fixed localization to use English as default instead of French (this is mostly intended for Russian and German languages not fully translated)
- Fix issue with player being stucked at the end of the match, wich prevented next reconnections to succeed
- Fixed missing music in lobby and in-game
- Added Injuries to Unit's tooltip
- Fixed issue where Lobby could still be displayed ingame
- Fixed some crash in combat
- Standardized company informations in a Company Card. Used in many places in the Lobby
- Decreased bandwidth (from friendlist update)

Gameplay :
- Fix issue with prematch timeout that could lead to an invalid units count
- Fix issue with prematch that could not start
- Added Keyboard shortcuts for using Skills (mapped on keys "1", "2", "3" of the regular keyboard)
- Fixed 3D messages for Surrounding estimations
- Automatically end a caster activation if he has already consumed his action and his mana/faith
- Simplified Opportunity formula (based on ACC against DOD instead of DOD against DOD + ACC against PAR)
- Fixed IceRing granting protection against magic damage
- Fixed Disabling Shot to apply its malus only if the shoot is successful
- Fixed Putrefaction to trigger the end of the match if the only playable unit dies on the beginning of the turn
- Fixed enemy attack estimation
- Fixed cast estimation to not show false informations coming from regular attacks estimation
- Added Immunity / Fear to the Gargoyle unit
- Added some call/cast limits to some Miracles (Occult Erosion / Crepuscular Princes)
- Fixed the way that Martyr / Devotion worked (self buffs)
- Changed the effects and AP costs of "Possessed" and "Fierce"(changed the way that Fierce works when the unit dies)
- Added an Insensitive ability to the Flesh Golem
- Reduced the Dual Shot malus
- Reduced the numbers of cast / activation for primary spells
- Reduced received damages for Justice Incarnation (from 15 to 10)
- Offensive and Defensive Stances (from Orders) now apply until the beginning of the next activation (instead of until the end of the turn)
- Added a debuff effect to the Celestial Scourge spell
- Some talents trees updates
Dogs of War Online - Communication Manager - Community Manager


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Re: Changelog Beta - Update 0.11

PostFri Jan 17, 2014 7:03 pm


Je suis pas un pro des forum malgré mes 35 ans :). Mais je suis un fan de confrontation j'ai joué au jeu de figurine y à de ça bien 10 ans. Je suis l'actualité du jeu depuis un moment.

J'aimerais vous rejoindre dans la bêta fermé si c'est possible je sais que l'ouverte est proche mais je suis assez impatient de mettre mes doigts de gamer sur ce jeu :)

J'ai déjà eu l'occasion lors d'un stress test d'y jouer un jour et je sais qu'il va me plaire.


Akro :D

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