Changelog Beta update 10
Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 6:19 pm
Bonjour à tous,
Nos serveurs sont actuellement en maintenance. Voici le changelog de ce qui vous attend une fois qu'ils seront de retour !
* Various localization fixes
* Added first draft for Russian and German localizations
* Ducats Cards ditributed during the ParisGameWeek convention can now be properly used from the Option > Profile tab
* Decreased used bandwidth
* Added account validation at first login: mail address is needed for account validation, and password is needed for future web services / account managements
* Your in-game nickname is now synchronized with your Steam nickname at login
* Dogs of War logo now opens your webbrowser to Dogs forum
* Fixed friends status in friendlist
* You can now see if your friend in in game or in lobby / searching for a game
* Added a bad words checking used on : Steam nickname (else default to "SteamUser"), Company name can't be validated, chat words are filtered
* Fixed possibility to have missions duplicates
* Finished missions can now be closed from CurrentMissions tab
* Units death & injuries can now be healed outside of postmatch, from within CompanyManagement tab
* Fixed Quit button sometimes not reacting
* Destroyed companies are now removed from current ladders
* Improved reconnection to Lobby when disconnected from server
* Major skinning update
* Units prices changed
* Each unit can be recruited for every available levels
* Added new packs
* Unit's Class has been split in two : Rank (regular, elite, legendary), and Class (melee, archer, mage...)
* Units max recruitment limit is now based on the unit type and not on the class anymore
* Improved Shop filters
* Company Slots price changed
* Various "boosts" prices fixes
* Hard currency now bypasses guild lvl restriction
* Added company naming when unpacked from pack items
* Added Promotions and Highlights system
* Buying a single item will propose to automatically use it when possible, or keep it in the inventory
* Adde "new" tag to items recently added to Armory
* Added a sound when you buy and resale an item
* Fixed an issue that prevented launching a tutorial game with an empty company
* Fixed an issue with solo games preventing to connect to lobby after a crash
* Fixed daily rewards sometimes not given
* Reintroduced gametypes preferences in MatchMaking to find opponent
* Increased the wating delay to connect to game, preventing some early disconnection
* Fixed users "waiting for server data" screen display when no postmatch incoming
* Fixed rewards sometimes too high
* Activated injuries for Practice mode
* Ingame-Chat accessibility has been improved
* All units now need less XP in order to gain levels
* Changed many units upgrade trees
* All characteristics saw their name change. This is purely for understanding purpose - this is not affecting the gameplay in any way
* Added better protection against injuries for low Guild rank players
* "Health Drain" spell was changed - now directly remove HP from its target
* "Aura of the Crepuscular Princes" was changed - now an AoE debuff that is not dependent on fear
* "Instinctive firing" and "Sure Shots" attributes saw their effects merged. "Sure Shots" attribute is no longer available due to this change
* Added a "Survival Instinct" attribute for some units
* Changed the "Fine Blade" attribute (now allows for a failed attack roll to be rerolled)
* Changed the "Ruthless" attribute (in order to match the critical chance change)
* Changed the way damage attribute work. Most units now have circonstancial damage boosts attributes
* Changed timers and parameters on the matchmaking formula. More to come soon.
* Bravery grants a stats bonus when resisting Fear.
* Ineluctable Fate and Putrefaction have an added damage roll when cast.
* Reduced Critical Strikes default chances.
* Fixed : Activating an order will now take effect immediately, and an error message should appear on invalid use (Pariah).
* Fixed : Tutorial now correctly handles Turn count (Defensive Stance in Tuto 2 will disappear correctly on new turn).
* Restored various error messages on invalid actions.
* Fixed some Archery skills restrictions to consider melee engagement.
* Fixed various skill animations (like a double attack animation for a single strike).
* Fixed a Line of Sight computation edge-case.
* Fixed AI stucked during pursuit.
* Fixed player log color on solo.
* Fixed some crash issues during loading and match
* New Fx when selecting the area of effect during a cast.
* Various visual Fx added.
Nos serveurs sont actuellement en maintenance. Voici le changelog de ce qui vous attend une fois qu'ils seront de retour !
* Various localization fixes
* Added first draft for Russian and German localizations
* Ducats Cards ditributed during the ParisGameWeek convention can now be properly used from the Option > Profile tab
* Decreased used bandwidth
* Added account validation at first login: mail address is needed for account validation, and password is needed for future web services / account managements
* Your in-game nickname is now synchronized with your Steam nickname at login
* Dogs of War logo now opens your webbrowser to Dogs forum
* Fixed friends status in friendlist
* You can now see if your friend in in game or in lobby / searching for a game
* Added a bad words checking used on : Steam nickname (else default to "SteamUser"), Company name can't be validated, chat words are filtered
* Fixed possibility to have missions duplicates
* Finished missions can now be closed from CurrentMissions tab
* Units death & injuries can now be healed outside of postmatch, from within CompanyManagement tab
* Fixed Quit button sometimes not reacting
* Destroyed companies are now removed from current ladders
* Improved reconnection to Lobby when disconnected from server
* Major skinning update
* Units prices changed
* Each unit can be recruited for every available levels
* Added new packs
* Unit's Class has been split in two : Rank (regular, elite, legendary), and Class (melee, archer, mage...)
* Units max recruitment limit is now based on the unit type and not on the class anymore
* Improved Shop filters
* Company Slots price changed
* Various "boosts" prices fixes
* Hard currency now bypasses guild lvl restriction
* Added company naming when unpacked from pack items
* Added Promotions and Highlights system
* Buying a single item will propose to automatically use it when possible, or keep it in the inventory
* Adde "new" tag to items recently added to Armory
* Added a sound when you buy and resale an item
* Fixed an issue that prevented launching a tutorial game with an empty company
* Fixed an issue with solo games preventing to connect to lobby after a crash
* Fixed daily rewards sometimes not given
* Reintroduced gametypes preferences in MatchMaking to find opponent
* Increased the wating delay to connect to game, preventing some early disconnection
* Fixed users "waiting for server data" screen display when no postmatch incoming
* Fixed rewards sometimes too high
* Activated injuries for Practice mode
* Ingame-Chat accessibility has been improved
* All units now need less XP in order to gain levels
* Changed many units upgrade trees
* All characteristics saw their name change. This is purely for understanding purpose - this is not affecting the gameplay in any way
* Added better protection against injuries for low Guild rank players
* "Health Drain" spell was changed - now directly remove HP from its target
* "Aura of the Crepuscular Princes" was changed - now an AoE debuff that is not dependent on fear
* "Instinctive firing" and "Sure Shots" attributes saw their effects merged. "Sure Shots" attribute is no longer available due to this change
* Added a "Survival Instinct" attribute for some units
* Changed the "Fine Blade" attribute (now allows for a failed attack roll to be rerolled)
* Changed the "Ruthless" attribute (in order to match the critical chance change)
* Changed the way damage attribute work. Most units now have circonstancial damage boosts attributes
* Changed timers and parameters on the matchmaking formula. More to come soon.
* Bravery grants a stats bonus when resisting Fear.
* Ineluctable Fate and Putrefaction have an added damage roll when cast.
* Reduced Critical Strikes default chances.
* Fixed : Activating an order will now take effect immediately, and an error message should appear on invalid use (Pariah).
* Fixed : Tutorial now correctly handles Turn count (Defensive Stance in Tuto 2 will disappear correctly on new turn).
* Restored various error messages on invalid actions.
* Fixed some Archery skills restrictions to consider melee engagement.
* Fixed various skill animations (like a double attack animation for a single strike).
* Fixed a Line of Sight computation edge-case.
* Fixed AI stucked during pursuit.
* Fixed player log color on solo.
* Fixed some crash issues during loading and match
* New Fx when selecting the area of effect during a cast.
* Various visual Fx added.