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Change is coming : Silienne of Laverne and the other Heroes

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Change is coming : Silienne of Laverne and the other Heroes

PostWed May 28, 2014 3:38 pm

Hey there,

You already know from the previous posts that Heroes will be key in the new game mode, but you still don't know much about them. Today, I'll give some details about the Heroes and we'll look in details at Silenne of Laverne, one of the Heroes of Alahan.

When we'll release the new patch, there will be nine Heroes available, three for each faction. Every week, we'll randomly pick 1 hero from each faction that will be availble for free during the week. You can purchase the Hero that you like the most, in Ducats or Cyans in order to be able to use them whenever you want.
There will be three different prices for Heroes.
20 000 Ducats or 49 Cyans
40 000 Ducats or 75 Cyans
60 000 Ducats or 119 Cyans

Note that the prices won't reflect the "power" of the the Heroes, we simply wanted to offer a variety of prices and to make sure that getting enough Ducats to buy at least one Hero wouldn't be too difficult nor too long.
The 20 000 Ducats Heroes are the one sharing a unit type with troops, the 40 000 are the former Elite units and the 60 000 are the former Legendary units.

Here are the name of the nine Heroes. I'll introduce each one of them in the coming days :
Silienne of Laverne (49C / 20 000D)
Arïnius the Proud, Royal Guard (75C / 40 000D)
The Chimera (119C / 60 000D)

Kaïn, the Scourge (49C / 20 000D)
Melmoth, Skûll Warrior (75C / 40 000D)
Kerberos, Flesh Golem (119C / 60 000D)

Emerok, Guardian of the Runes (49C / 20 000D)
Ryskar, Predator of Blood (75C / 40 000D)
Kelrys, Son of Yllia (119C / 60 000D)

Now, let's talk about Silienne of Laverne


(Click on the image for the full size picture)

Born in Laverne in the north of the kingdom of Alahan, Silienne left these lands ravaged by the fights against the Ram, to join the forest in the South.

As an orphan, she grew up with the Cynwälls elves. Choosing the bow instead of the traditionnal crossbow of her guardians, Silienne quickly earned their respect thanks to her skill with this weapon that they admired but regarded as obsolete.

When she reached adulthood, the elves gave her a bow custom-forged by the Heliasts to fit her staggering abilities : "the heart-piercer", Her life in the forest of Allyvie turn her into a lonely prowler able to track down and snipe her target from a very long distance.

Overwiew :
Silienne of Laverne is a bowman able to deal huge ranged damages. Her bow "heart-piercer" gives her 3% chances to kill her target regardless of its life points; it also gives her a constant bonus of 20% chances to critical strike, and have a ranged increased by 2 squares.

Her passive ability "Eagle Aura" gives her troops 10% chances to do a critical strike in a 5 square radius of Silienne.
She has 3 active skills :
-"headshot" require her to stand still to fire a devastating shot which deal more damages but sacrifices some of her accuracy.
-"Double Shot" allows Silienne to shoot twice on the same target but she looses some chances to hit.
-"Mirage Cloak" makes her immune to effect affecting the movement, and allows her to automatically succeed all the disengagement rolls, it also raises her mobility by 2 squares while active.

Detailled information :
Price : 49 Cyans / 20 000 Ducats
AP : 200

Movement : 5
HP : 40

Accuracy : 15
Parry : 10
Dodge : 10
Damage : 12
Toughness : 8
Willpower : 10

Hero Order : Fire at will (cost 1 Elixir Point) : If the target unit is a warrior it gets one extra attack for the next 2 turns. If the target unit is a Magician or a Faithful it gets a resource bonus for the next 2 rounds.

Skill :Headshot, Double Shot, Mirage Cloak (cost 1 Elixir Point) *
Attributes : Strategist (1)**, Eagle Aura, Assassin, Insctinctive firing, Heart-piercer***, Accuracy, Sharpshooter, Bravery

*Mirage Cloak : Increases MOV by 2, immune to immobilisation effects and effects that prevents disengagement. Allows to successfully pass every disengagement roll until end of turn
** Strategist (1) : permanent +1 bonus to all discipline roll. Note that displine rolls are not based on the faction anymore (they all have a bonus of 0) but on the Hero. Silienne is not a very good Lion Strategist, another Lion Hero has Strategist (3).
*** Heart-piercer : permanently increases range of shot by 2 and critical chances by 20%. Grants a permanent 3% chance of killing its target outright.

That's it for today, thanks for reading.
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Re: Change is coming : Silienne of Laverne and the other Her

PostWed May 28, 2014 4:15 pm

I love this hero changes.
This give deeph, pathos and STORY to your unit, everything Dogs of war was missing in the beta.

Every game would become a short novel. ;)

P.s.: What will happen to all our ducats spent for units, to all our rooster, army, cyans spent gained with ranking or with money? How the "reset" will work exactly?
P.s.2: Be carefull not made heroes too strong. I don't like a game where hero do everything and other unit are just an addition.
~ work in progress ~
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Re: Change is coming : Silienne of Laverne and the other Her

PostWed May 28, 2014 4:35 pm

Every week, we'll randomly pick 1 hero from each faction that will be availble for free during the week.

this way almost noone will pay for them :P

I like heroes concept - especialy adding Strategist - now you really don't need to gain auto win for killing enemy hero - some Elixirs + lack of strategist will be more than enough to give really big advantage to opposing player in all cases excluding one - suicidal raid for hero (that should be wrong).

as for Silienne - you got me - Half Cynwall bowman is something that i can even pay for ;)
and a Royal Guard hero - nice

but i would rather use existing names than new ones :P

skills and stats of Lion Lady looks resonable - She will be ultimate glass cannon ;)

but i have some questions:
with of these skills are Orders? Or She dont have orders only one aura?
with of the skills are activated for Elixirs?

Once again im optimist :P

P.s.: What will happen to all our ducats spent for units, to all our rooster, army, cyans spent gained with ranking or with money? How the "reset" will work exactly?
P.s.2: Be carefull not made heroes too strong. I don't like a game where hero do everything and other unit are just an addition.

1- it was confirmed that we will get full refund ;D - it will be so ridiculous mountain of money ;D
2- im scared for the same but first hero looks glassy as hell that with strategist 1 only will make her really fragile
Last edited by Dragon_Warrior on Wed May 28, 2014 4:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
ign: Draconnor, Cynwall player, 23 years in computer games, 14 years in battle games, 8 years in Confrontation Universe, 4 years of making own battle games.


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Re: Change is coming : Silienne of Laverne and the other Her

PostWed May 28, 2014 4:38 pm

skydancer wrote:What will happen to all our ducats spent for units, to all our rooster, army, cyans spent gained with ranking or with money? How the "reset" will work exactly?

It will be very simple. We'll refund everything you spent on stuff that is no longer available in the game. Given that the troop prices will be much lower than the prices of the current units, old players will probably have no troubles getting one or more Heroes with the Ducats we'll refund.


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Re: Change is coming : Silienne of Laverne and the other Her

PostWed May 28, 2014 4:58 pm

Dragon_Warrior wrote:with of these skills are Orders? Or She dont have orders only one aura?
with of the skills are activated for Elixirs?

You're right, I forgot to mention it. It's nice to see that you're keeping track of what we're saying :)

Mirage Cloak costs 1 Elixir point
Every Hero will have its own set of order, with3 "general" order and a special one.
Silienne Hero Order is : Fire at Will (1 Elixir Point).

I edited my post to add the information about the order.


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Re: Change is coming : Silienne of Laverne and the other Her

PostWed May 28, 2014 5:02 pm

Very interesting indeed. However I have a question: if the less costly hero is 200 AP and the total amount of AP for a battle will be 300, how many units do you plan the Wolfen could play? 2+Hero max?

Another question: will all the heroes be worth 200APs or will their values be different?

PS: What do you mean with "a resource bonus" for Faithfuls and Magicians?

PPS: "Mirage Cloack" seems a bit OP: auto-disengage and MOV of 7! She'll run to the other corner of the map and start firing arrows again with her increased range... it would be impossible to hurt her if you don't engage her and then win the INI the next turn (with the new INIs I don't however know if that would be difficult or not)


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Re: Change is coming : Silienne of Laverne and the other Her

PostWed May 28, 2014 9:20 pm

My question is the same as Almanro's. How numerous, in refer to unit number, ranked battles will be. 300 AP with at least 200 AP hero seems to be more like a duel for me rather than real war. At first glance heroes looks nice...I hope they will be balance enough so the normal troops would matter. BTW do you consider such option as customization of hero's equipment, for example few versions of bow for Silienne (every with different AP) + maybe some items...?


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Re: Change is coming : Silienne of Laverne and the other Her

PostWed May 28, 2014 9:29 pm

ShadeAvatar wrote:My question is the same as Almanro's. How numerous, in refer to unit number, ranked battles will be. 300 AP with at least 200 AP hero seems to be more like a duel for me rather than real war

It's 300 AP for the company and 200 for the Hero. Otherwise, you're right it wouldn't be much fun.

Almanro wrote:Another question: will all the heroes be worth 200APs or will their values be different?

Yes, at the beginning all heroes will cost 200 AP, for the newer players to get a better grasping at what Heroes are.
However, it was never intended to be a golden rule. We could do Heroes of 150, 100, 50, or 300 AP in the future...

Almanro wrote:PS: What do you mean with "a resource bonus" for Faithfuls and Magicians?

Faithfuls gain instantly 3 Faith points, then "Piety (3)" for 2 turns.
Magicians gain Recovery (3) for 2 turns (and maybe also an instant mana gain, still work in progress).
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Re: Change is coming : Silienne of Laverne and the other Her

PostWed May 28, 2014 9:44 pm

Yes, at the beginning all heroes will cost 200 AP, for the newer players to get a better grasping at what Heroes are.
However, it was never intended to be a golden rule. We could do Heroes of 150, 100, 50, or 300 AP in the future...

If all heroes have same cost its rather subfaction than hero...
and how the game will work for cheaper heroes in this way with 300+200 limit? Someone with 100ap hero will have only 300+100? Anything other that total sum of ap with no less than X and no more than Y spent on heroes will block non 200ap heroes and will block the game in really non natural way...
ign: Draconnor, Cynwall player, 23 years in computer games, 14 years in battle games, 8 years in Confrontation Universe, 4 years of making own battle games.
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Re: Change is coming : Silienne of Laverne and the other Her

PostThu May 29, 2014 8:24 am

so all are happy about the 3% chance of killing a unit, regardless of their HP? Does it apply also vs heroes? because i already know i will rage so much vs that lady...

i thought cyanide understood that terribly low chances are bad....and just when it looks like assassin is gonna get changed they add an even slimmer chance that can be game changing. So yeah, I like her but i hate that 3% chance (yes i know in confrontation it was possible a similar effect...but this doesn't mean it was good =/ )
Closed beta tester - Ram & Wolf player

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