- Posts: 12
- Joined: Mon Oct 06, 2014 1:11 am
So there are some great things about Dogs of War Online and some not so great. I feel like the game has been balanced a bit more then it was before, but some of the problems with the overall setup are still there.
There should be more reasons to farm for Ducats, but it also shouldn't be quite the pain in the butt that it has been.
Possibly add some fluff into the mix, like you could buy armor and unique looking weapons for your units (these should probably not increase the stats in any way, unless you found out a way to balance it using the AP system which wouldn't be too hard).
Add some campaign missions, I know it's "Dogs of War Online" but there should really be some kind of solo play. Especially with this type of game, you really can't go wrong. It would also benefit the newer players coming in (and even the veteran players). But also to bring us back to the Ducats.... don't give the player 10 for spending time doing them, that isn't the point.
Balance out unit choice, it is no fun seeing an army entirely made up out of Gargoyles and such style of armies. Try to get a limiter on it, that way there is more fluff to each of the armies. An example of this would be the limiters set in Warhammer 40k, allowing only 3 of one type of unit aside from troops (in most cases). (also this one is more of an opinion which I think would make the game more fun and not really a make or break for the game)
You want players to pay for your game? Don't make them buy silly things for 10 bucks. More and more games are being made to try to pump every little dollar out of players, yet League of Legends makes money like holy wow, because of how much fun the players have while playing it, ergo they want to spend money on it. They don't make you buy something to get ahead earlier. You can, but not a lot of players do that, they buy the different skins for each champion. Farming 60,000 ducats (especially right now with the few amount of players that are on) is a daunting task for any new player. The random rotating champion bit is nice though. Keep that
Add more champions! Give the armies some more personality to them, I would daresay add more types of troops as well. But balancing can be an issue. (as it is in most games, not a big deal, just work on it and get it squared away).
The mission system is nice, but in it's current state (at least for me anyways) I have a 1% chance to complete most of the missions with a regular troop, and the rewards just don't seem that great :/
I really enjoy the mission bit, I like being able to accomplish something while I am not online. But make it worthwhile.
Not sure how I feel about your commands being tied to your champion now. Especially when you have a champion like Ryskar who is a kind of in the thick of it commander who will attract a bit of attention, compared to Silienne. (who when played correctly is an absolute monster and relatively safe) You have a bit of a stretch in balance in terms of the commands.
Possibly add more commands, not really sure how you would, I haven't given this one much thought, but it would be nice in the long run to have more options. Even a customizable set of commands would be nice I think.
When it comes to setting up your army, sometimes it can make or break the game. I suggest a rotating deployment that you can see. So with both players there would be your strategy roll to see who could decide who puts down a unit or two first. Then the other person would have to respond. You could even keep the current deployment state for another gametype. But for balancing issues, I think that this one is slightly overlooked.
Varying levels of health. The Wolfen are the few but strong army, yet the same amount of health. I think this is a little silly. You have champions with more health, I would add troops with more health as well. There are obviously numerous ways to balance this out.
The points I would hit on now, are releasing some new armies for people to play with. And give them something to do. (I'm telling ya solo missions, and/or an intensive campaign would do this game wonders, and bring some players back to see what's going on)
Just my two cents.
Feel free to contact me if need be.
There should be more reasons to farm for Ducats, but it also shouldn't be quite the pain in the butt that it has been.
Possibly add some fluff into the mix, like you could buy armor and unique looking weapons for your units (these should probably not increase the stats in any way, unless you found out a way to balance it using the AP system which wouldn't be too hard).
Add some campaign missions, I know it's "Dogs of War Online" but there should really be some kind of solo play. Especially with this type of game, you really can't go wrong. It would also benefit the newer players coming in (and even the veteran players). But also to bring us back to the Ducats.... don't give the player 10 for spending time doing them, that isn't the point.
Balance out unit choice, it is no fun seeing an army entirely made up out of Gargoyles and such style of armies. Try to get a limiter on it, that way there is more fluff to each of the armies. An example of this would be the limiters set in Warhammer 40k, allowing only 3 of one type of unit aside from troops (in most cases). (also this one is more of an opinion which I think would make the game more fun and not really a make or break for the game)
You want players to pay for your game? Don't make them buy silly things for 10 bucks. More and more games are being made to try to pump every little dollar out of players, yet League of Legends makes money like holy wow, because of how much fun the players have while playing it, ergo they want to spend money on it. They don't make you buy something to get ahead earlier. You can, but not a lot of players do that, they buy the different skins for each champion. Farming 60,000 ducats (especially right now with the few amount of players that are on) is a daunting task for any new player. The random rotating champion bit is nice though. Keep that
Add more champions! Give the armies some more personality to them, I would daresay add more types of troops as well. But balancing can be an issue. (as it is in most games, not a big deal, just work on it and get it squared away).
The mission system is nice, but in it's current state (at least for me anyways) I have a 1% chance to complete most of the missions with a regular troop, and the rewards just don't seem that great :/
I really enjoy the mission bit, I like being able to accomplish something while I am not online. But make it worthwhile.
Not sure how I feel about your commands being tied to your champion now. Especially when you have a champion like Ryskar who is a kind of in the thick of it commander who will attract a bit of attention, compared to Silienne. (who when played correctly is an absolute monster and relatively safe) You have a bit of a stretch in balance in terms of the commands.
Possibly add more commands, not really sure how you would, I haven't given this one much thought, but it would be nice in the long run to have more options. Even a customizable set of commands would be nice I think.
When it comes to setting up your army, sometimes it can make or break the game. I suggest a rotating deployment that you can see. So with both players there would be your strategy roll to see who could decide who puts down a unit or two first. Then the other person would have to respond. You could even keep the current deployment state for another gametype. But for balancing issues, I think that this one is slightly overlooked.
Varying levels of health. The Wolfen are the few but strong army, yet the same amount of health. I think this is a little silly. You have champions with more health, I would add troops with more health as well. There are obviously numerous ways to balance this out.
The points I would hit on now, are releasing some new armies for people to play with. And give them something to do. (I'm telling ya solo missions, and/or an intensive campaign would do this game wonders, and bring some players back to see what's going on)
Just my two cents.
Feel free to contact me if need be.