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No more discipline rolls

PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 3:16 am
by p122ab0y
My suggestion is instead of rolling to see who goes first why not just make them constant based on if you're lion. wolf or ram (For example in chess White always goes first). Alot of people have general complains regarding laying the fate of battle to a coin toss and I think the discipline roll is doing just that.

If we set it constant then you'd see a consist flow were players take turns with activation. With the current implementation, what you'd see is basically the same EXCEPT every so often an unlikely event occurs and a player gets to take two consecutive activations (last activation at the end of a turn and first activation at the beginning of the turn).

I dont consider not going first a bad thing. Knowing that theres a constant activation order would mean being able to plan your moves without having to wonder if you've taken a big gamble on the beginning of next turn.

Edit: Oh I forgot to mention one other thing. Sometimes you'd see players use offensive stance on a unit at the end of the turn. Then if discipline roll in their favor, they get to activate that same unit again which effectively removes the counter consequence of using that stance.

Re: No more discipline rolls

PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 4:25 am
by Errol Flynn
The devs have explained this at length in another thread. Basically, the chance of the discipline roll not going your way leaves players with more difficult decisions and from their testing encourages more sensible play than when a player can guarantee the result. I think it is fine how it is.
Minimising the negative effect of offensive stance is a good idea, that is why so many get used on missile units. It is hard to judge discipline as a whole when we only have 3 factions currently. Their may well be a faction that goes before Lion in 'normal' circumstances.

Re: No more discipline rolls

PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 9:07 am
by Hod
After the Devs justification in the below thread, I would agree with the chance of luck playing an important role in who goes first.


Re: No more discipline rolls

PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 9:53 am
by Deep Blue
personally im fine with them + it is very flavorful. Yes im really against too much RNG....but i feel it gives more strategical impact. It is so good when the lion player thinks he is gonna start next turn and he fails the roll as usually you will wreck him because of it. This is good because then you have to calculate better your risks. My typical mindset usually is: im going to lose the discipline roll next turn. Some players usually have the opposite mindset and take big risks which can backfire.

Re: No more discipline rolls

PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 10:26 am
by Dragon_Warrior

they must stay - otherwise there will be too much powergaming based about sequence.

Re: No more discipline rolls

PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 11:24 am
by Deep Blue
Dragon_Warrior wrote:nope

they must stay - otherwise there will be too much powergaming based about sequence.

this. It would also make the problem you stated even worse. For example as a lion player vs ram/wolf i could use offensive stance (almost) without any drawback as i'm 100% sure next turn i can re-attack and eliminate the stance malus.

Re: No more discipline rolls

PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 6:24 pm
by skydancer
Dragon_Warrior wrote:nope

they must stay - otherwise there will be too much powergaming based about sequence.

Re: No more discipline rolls

PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2014 6:00 pm
by p122ab0y
So help me understand what the thought process was not making discipline rolls equal across each race? When I play as lion against ram fir example I usually end up with first activation most of the time anyway. Is the logic there I should consider the small risk that may come with going second? if reward/risk ratio is the primary driver of my decisions wouldn't my decision ultimately be the same majority of the time?

edit: thx hod I read the reference thread. I guess my perspective was bias because I primarily play lion. Since the devs have data to back up that the current system is the better system then I can't really argue.