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Summoned Minions

PostPosted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 4:32 pm
by Yawen Sivitri
This suggestion/request concerns the possibility to identify for the player which (summoned) minion belongs to which caster, without necessary making this also visible to the opponent! like visual aids such as color schemes! Let the opponent be in the dark as to which minion belongs to which caster :?: but a caster should have knowledge which of his minions are where at what time :!:

Using more than one necromancer summoning skeleton minions can be confusing when the game moves on.
At a certain point you would want to "refresh" dying/low health minions or simple re-locate them, but then the question arises... which minion will crumble when casting a new one.
Even if you have 3 skeleton minions and 2 necromancers its still the question which necromancers doesn't have the maximal summoned skeletons. Choosing the wrong one would be a tactical disaster since a skeleton minion that hasn't acted/is blocking passage could crumble leaving a gap in your tactival setup. A simple mistake could cost you the game.

I would suggest making a skeleton minion highlighted when selecting it's master/summoner (the necromancer) this would immediatly discern how many and which skeleton minions a necromancer has under his command.

The second problem would be which skeleton minion is going to crumble when you are casting for another one and you already have maximal minions (2x) already summoned.
I think it would be to much work/coding to let the summoner choose which summoned minion to release on account of the new one. Or maybe not... if this is a valid case then a player should have the option to dismiss a summoned minion at any time by just clicking it and having a special "release minion" or "dismiss minion" button. Doing so will free up the allotment of summoned skeleton minions and doing so give control to the player which minion on the field should be released.

The only concern with this last suggestion (the "dimiss minion" button) I see is using skeleton minions as a charge wall /block passage after which the player could "dismiss" the minion and clear a blocked passage for their own units to charge through. This could not be a bad thing.
A simple fix would be that dismissing a minion counts as selecting a necromancer and not allowing other assault/warrior units to charge passed the dismissed minion.
Since "Tide of death" doesn't apply for necromancers the use is limited. Also dismissing a summoned minion is losing a unit on the field and requires new mana and summoning so its at a cost also.

Re: Summoned Minions

PostPosted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 5:34 pm
by Hod
If you purchase a color for your Neco, the summoned minion will be the same color (my Neco is yellow, so all his Morbid puppets are yellow).

The second one is always first in, first out. Just have to remember which one you summoned first.

Re: Summoned Minions

PostPosted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 5:35 pm
by isgFaceless
Hod wrote:If you purchase a color for your Neco, the summoned minion will be the same color (my Neco is yellow, so all his Morbid puppets are yellow).

This is actually quite helpful. Thanks. :)