For Lions, the main counter is the compo with 3 archers lvl2-3,
I realy consider more than two archers quite lame
But on open map - ok there is a chance but on Acheron map variants its really problematic to hit even one before they into charge range.
And Mage with scourge alone (lev 2) is to damn pricy... 70ap for unit buffing one ally per turn isn't eficient whithout its old primal atack (tried that - wonn with all other ram companies but skellys+gargoyles wasn't even close to dying). On the other hand having lev 5 mage for casting scourge instead of chatisment is also werid
can be effective also on a lion of war.
Lions of War with they Will 6 are terrible in all Vs Gargoule games - scared have really big chance to not even wounding enemy gargoyle and even puppets can hit them with resonable %.
Another route would be to use a swordsman with for the light and buff him with scourg
??? i really dont see a combo in this one
rather anti-combo
ign: Draconnor, Cynwall player, 23 years in computer games, 14 years in battle games, 8 years in Confrontation Universe, 4 years of making own battle games.