I've had exhausting touch dispel in 2 games now when it should not have. Under the terms of the spell it's not supposed to dispel unless the caster dies or the carrier dies 4 spaces from any of his allies. Neither of these were the case when the spell was dispelled. Both games it just spontaneously dispelled from worgs that I was trying to kill. Both times the worg made no contact with his allies.
Is there also a time limit for the curse? Or is this indeed a bug I have stumbled upon?
I have noticed this to, but it only happens the turn after it transfers from the death of someone afflicted by it. Seems very buggy when it tries to reapply its self after finding a new host.
I could reproduce the bug and prepare a fix. The curse will disappear when the unit moves and tries to apply the transfer on herself I will see if I can hotfix the servers before the next patch.
Is it a guarantee for it to transfer after the death of a unit as long as there is an enemy unit in 4 hex's? I still occasionally see it not transfer. Not sure if this is working as intended or not.
The transfer should be guaranteed. Mind that if a unit dies when moving, the cell used for the range computations will be the last one she fully walked on. If anyone find cases where the transfer on death seems to have failed, please feel free to give me details and screenshots about it.