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PostPosted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 7:56 am
by TomaszK
Hi mates!

IMO that 40sek for a completed movement a single unit is much to short. I can not plan anything - I'm not experienced Confrontation player - this is my first contact with this SuperGame. My actions look like gas chaos movement. I can check opponent forces only in that few moments after deployment (if ever). I'd like strategic games, but strategy requires time and thinking. Don't You think this time could be about 60sek? Or somewhat?


Re: Time

PostPosted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 9:05 am
by Dragon_Warrior
For me 40sec is most optimal. Begginers 60 was to long and 30 was quite to short... while 40 is nice to keep game flurent and have some time to plan. You still have 40 sec for something that in RTS you have less than 1sec ;P

And this when you meet first rage-wait player - you will be happy that its only 40s ;)

Poważnie po kilku czy kilkunastu grach 40 sek wystarcza spokojnie. W razie czego można się wpsomagać planowaniem ruchu dla bardziej skomplikowaniej taktycznie jednostki - podczas ruchu tej mniej skomplikowaniej, nad którą się myśli dosłownie kilka sekund.

Re: Time

PostPosted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 9:17 am
by Hod
During your opponents turn is the optimal time to check their units.

I feel 40 secs is fine. I sometimes I wish I had more, but that is only because I play with a slower frame rate and that gives me a 5-10 second handicap sometimes. With a fine frame rate, 40 sec is more than enough and increasing it quickly makes the game too slow. 400AP matches can already last up to the 30 - 45 minute range, with a longer turn timer, that could go up into the 1 hour range pretty quickly.

Re: Time

PostPosted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 9:37 am
by TomaszK
Looks like I need just more practice. ;)
But on the other hand it could be a wall for begginers. And they could be not patient enough to learn.

Re: Time

PostPosted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 9:54 am
by Dragon_Warrior
But on the other hand it could be a wall for begginers. And they could be not patient enough to learn

there was 60sec for peoples below rank 3 or something like that - but idea was dropped becouse of long wait time for wnother low rank player to play with as i remember.

Re: Time

PostPosted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 6:47 pm
by SoulCollector
It is also my opinion that 40 seconds per turn is almost perffect. Do not worry about the time being to short, be sure to spend some time looking at other units often in the shop tab selecting the "all factions" option and clicking on the unit portrait to see their stats and their talents, once you get that info down, the extra time on the deployment and your opponent's turn are enough to know what he has and what he can do.

The only moment I recognize the 40 seconds to be a problem is when you have the game graphic details to a level your computer can't handle and you start dragging the cursor after a few games, taking about 3-5 seconds just to select a unit and making the timer be a complete nightmare. In those cases just tune down the details and resolution. The timer feels a lot better after that.