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Friend Chat Not Always Working

PostPosted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 9:25 pm
by Hod
I've tried having a private chat with a friend a few times (left click on the friend and go to the "Chat" option). I would say about half the time it works as intended (chat goes only to the friend). The other half of the time, the chat goes to the main lobby chat.

Just thought I'd bring it up and make sure I'm not the only person experiencing this. If that is the case, maybe I'm doing something wrong.

Re: Friend Chat Not Always Working

PostPosted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 9:57 pm
by wtfcolt
I experienced this last night. The first message sent after selecting a name and then 'chat' would send to the person properly (as far as i could tell from my side), but any message afterwards would be put in main chat.

And another note, I noticed I must send text into general chat for the scroll bar to show up, which is the only way I could view the most recent chat messages, as they were cut off at the bottom and the mouse wheel did nothing.

And finally, the text input box does not scroll as you type, so any long messages and you seem to be typing blind.

Re: Friend Chat Not Always Working

PostPosted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 12:28 am
by thetang22
Yep, I will concur that friend chat seems pretty buggy.