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RAM Vs Lion Archers - what happened

PostPosted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 10:51 pm
by Dragon_Warrior
Can anyone say me why skeleton archers for 30 points become stronger than Alachan ones for 42 ap ?
-2 ACC but +1 STR and TOU... while after new patch STR become even more important...

Currently a undead (other than necro) hit by arrow don't get a wound while each non Knight lion gets one... and while sekeletons are cheaper...

it my change on higher levels (accuary Vs Ferocious) than one but base lev 1 situation can't be accepted especialy when at lev 3 ap point difference would be even bigger.

The same works for Skeleton Warrior > Alachan Swordsman ... +1 STR/TOU for -1ACC (-7PAR mostly unimportant while most enemies hit Swordsman at 70-100%/// + we have will 8 vs fear immunity and fear10) while ACC is less important when it can be rised/lowered by outnumber factor and STR is constant and can't be lowered by wound penalties.