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Manually disabling graphical options to improve performance?

PostPosted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 12:54 pm
by Keldain
Hey there, I've located some of the config files and I'm trying to manually disable... well, pretty much everything, as the game in it's current state runs like molasses for me.

So far I've found the 5 configs and have mirrored them all to be at the lowest possible settings (even going as far as attempting to disable particle effects with <Particles>0</Particles>.

Any helpful advice would be, well, helpful, thanks. ^_^

Re: Manually disabling graphical options to improve performa

PostPosted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 4:04 pm
by Legulysse
It seems like you are already tweaking in the right place. Sadly the game engine is a bit heavy on performance :(
Have you tried playing in windowed mode with lower resolutions ?
Shadows and particles generally have the most impact.
Depending on your hardware, vertical sync may also have an impact, you can try with and without, fullscreen and windowed.
Unfortunately we can't do much more to improve the performances without changing the assets to a lower quality.

Re: Manually disabling graphical options to improve performa

PostPosted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 12:15 am
by Dragon_Warrior
about performance - On my PC games works good only on medium (and should work on high definetly) and even then th longer it runs the lower framerate is... about 4-5h of game running framerate drops below 10 or even 5 fps (but restartin game fix that - so its not CPU temperature or something like that)