Dragon_Warrior wrote:BTW - can you point me any efficient Chimera build? I never tried to play her becouse i don't like legandary units idea in 400ap but maybe ill try some day
The is one for each spell... "Nuke", "Grind" and Snipe" I call them.
"Nuke" is a level 4 Chimera, 293 AP
Pillar (Because the other one requires to be in contact and can only be used on non legendaries)
Righteous (Because it's more versatile)
Strength of virtue
This one casts Hyperion on the turn before it thinks it'll charge (lasts 3 turns) then on the turn it'll charge uses Strengh of virtue on a charge: Equivalent of strength 26. With Hyperion, it allows you to be almost certain to hit. For added troll, use it near the end of the turn with offensive stance, kill something then move back (Or finish a wounded nearby) and since you're almost certain to get your turn back, you can move it away or get close but with defensive stance until the end of the next turn, depending on the situation.
"Grind" can be level 4, but best at level 5. 312 or 328 AP.
It is to be used if you play against LION or WOLF, but not recommended against undead since it sucks against the golem. Or at least, it's not great.
Righteous (Immune to fear is always better anyway)
(Optional but recommended) Focus
With this one, you can simply cast, on turn 2, 3, 4 - 6, 7, 8 - 10, 11, 12 - 14, splash a large AoE that will hurt for 6(9) on a large surface. The thing is, you can use this then move away your full move speed until the enemy is fragile enough to simply chain kill them. Also fun with a horde of Swordsmen with parry to slow th enemy and force them to gather in the same place so you can AoE them for maximum effect.
"Snipe" uses the same principles as "Nuke", but in more versatile. It also costs a bit more, and only had it on my face once, but I left since I stood no chance.
335 AP, level 5.
Once gain...
Celestial Scourge
With this one, you can do the same as the nuke by using scourge then charging, or you can use the spell on a target then charge an other one, or, to play it like a horible monster,
Snipe at a range of 6 then move 5... away from the enemy. Do that again and again, staying away from any black paladins (or focus them with a shot, offensive stance then charge then move back 2 in pursuit, or snipe then hide behind cover...
This thing makes the old crossbow wolf harassment look like hard mode, but is vulnerable to large enemy numbers.
Almanro wrote:As Deep Blue said, Golem was BIG nerfed with finally removing Rapidity (which I agree it had to go), I don't think more nerf will be necessary. I'll try it today after the servers will be back on but I think now it's fine (at least on paper)
Thing is, it's still bloody easy to build in an optimal way. There are no choices, only no brainer options.