Sun Mar 16, 2014 1:40 pm
Since I'm rather weak, I cam back.
2 games for now, as RAM, 250 pts (my new company).
First was against a LVL 3 Worg. He deployed stupidly, was grinded by my level 1 skeletons and archers and spawns then finished by my double gargoyle in two turns, killing nothing relevant.
Second was against a Kotl and a Lion. The lion went stupidly forward in defensive stance, but got nuked by my gargoyles, again, then his Kotl got encircled and as I was about to deliver the killing blow he abandoned.
I think there's a rule here to fight Legendaries and small numbers: Nuke them with the Assault class while encircled. Their high accuracy-high damage is at its best then, even if they always get hit back very hard by the parry (they were level 1). The thing is, my enemies were dumb and didn't use their "wait" ability as they should have. I'm not sure a good opponent would have been defeated as easily.
It's a weird company build, with no elites but a "bait" necromancer (they all go to kill it, even if it's useless at level 1) and assaults to deal the effective damage. Still, it makes me happy to have countered these guys, but newbies would still suffer from it.