Fri Mar 28, 2014 8:08 pm
Overall I think this could be a good idea. (although I would first like to see more unit types/factions)
Equipable items would be nice, If for no other reason than to allow you to get ur 387pt build a tad bit closer to 400.
Nothing too uber that could cause balancing issues, but something small, maybe:
"Steel reinforced bow/crossbow" cost 2AP, increase missile unit PAR by 1 (or 2).
whatever, just an example that popped in my head.
And by making the items specific to certain unit types, you would have a wider varitey of items.
It would almost be like the units skill trees, but more like skill twigs (minor bonuses)
Some players like that added minor customizations, some others not so much. But they would not have to use it if they did not want to and by opting out of the minor tweeks, they really wouldn't suffer from that lower PAR on their ranged units. I won't say that it could not be a game changer, but the chances would be very slim.