Tue Oct 29, 2013 9:56 pm
Rewards of missions are not balanced. There's kinda no reason to send units on any mission except the shortest (15 min). Not only their success chance is the highest, but also they have the highest reward rate.
It's good that now I can send 2 units on Pickpocket (I don't know if it was a patch or I got it from lvling), but still that limit should be increased.
Cost of XP missions is too high - a unit costs 1k ducats & lvling of it is more then 10k.
IMO units' lvling is too long, especially mentioning that upgrades' choise is permanent. There's pretty definite difference in power of lvled units, and it would take several dozens of games to lvl a unit. It would put new players at a big disadvantage.
Price of bonuses is also too high - ducats bonus costs more then what it would give. I kinda don't understand what's the reason to buy month XP bonus - though lvling is long, it's not that long.