Been playing the stress test
So far the game is great except for a couple things that bothered me a little.
#1- Every melee unit counter attacks after being hit... I think a counter attack should be a level-up option on units instead of always having it. It's kinda boring when i hit you and you just hit me back.. When you have a unit with like 5 hp left... ur just attacking with him to get 1 hit in and then ur counter attacked and he dies... It drives me to make 1 unit a suicder to do as much damage as he can before he dies so that others can get kills without taking damage back.. It's a bad system.. But that's my opinion
#2- There should be a minimum to how much AP you're supposed to bring to the battle. Or maybe sub-options when you choose a mode for certain AP battles. For example... i select deathmatch, and then choose 250-300. Meaning you have to have an army of that size to fight against me.. I tried it out... and you can enter a battle with like a 174 army.. consisting of 4 skeleton soldiers and 2 skeleton archers.. Your opponent is now forced to downscale his army. If he has guys leveled up and the new talents cost AP.. he has to drop out some of his strongest guys. I was able to fight only 2 wolfen with an army of 6.. Surround them... game over.. easy. I felt like i was cheating. Also.. you should be rewarded for leveling up your units.. not penalized for them costing more ap now.
Other than that... the game is great. I played for about 5 hours and look forward to playing more! I hope to see some 2v2 deathmatches, more factions, and definately more maps in the future. Thank you
P.S. Are there any plans to add elevation? Like.. being able to have your units at higher positions?