Dogs of War Online forum’s terms of service
There will be no technical support on the message board. To get in touch with the support team, go here :
Messages content
- Abusive, vulgar, defamatory, hateful or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable are forbidden.
- Illegal messages (hacking, copyrighted contents download, and so on) are also forbidden.
- Please remember to respect the other users and the rules of polite society under all circumstances.
- Before asking any question, do not forget to search the board before to check whether another topic already answers your question.
- Advertising in any way (spam, hidden ads, …) is not allowed on the board without a moderator’s or an administrator’s authorization. Links to personal websites or Dogs of War Online team/clan/fans websites are tolerated in the user’s profile or his signature as long as they stay subtle.
- On a forum the size of your messages is not limited. Please, do not use Short messaging shorthands on the board and try to write in a correct English without too many mistakes (do not forget to proof read your messages before posting).
- Do not write with CAPSLOCK, your message will look aggressive, and this may make it harder to answer your message kindly
- Think about spacing out your messages by skipping lines and using punctuation to offer a more pleasant reading.
- When you create a new topic, do not forget to post it in the right forum. Give a clear title reflecting the content of you message.
- Only post you message in a single section. Do not post the same message multiple times.
- Avatars may not be larger than 150x150 pixels and 100kb. They cannot include pornography.
- Dogs of War Online forums are moderated. Some messages are edited after being read by a moderator.
- Moderators are allowed to simply delete a whole message or a part of this message, or to ask the author to modify it.
- Users of Dogs of War Online forums agree to respect these terms of service. It may be updated if the moderators feel it needed.
- Anyway, administrators and moderators remain the only judges in all matter and they do not have to explain their actions.
There will be no technical support on the message board. To get in touch with the support team, go here :
Messages content
- Abusive, vulgar, defamatory, hateful or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable are forbidden.
- Illegal messages (hacking, copyrighted contents download, and so on) are also forbidden.
- Please remember to respect the other users and the rules of polite society under all circumstances.
- Before asking any question, do not forget to search the board before to check whether another topic already answers your question.
- Advertising in any way (spam, hidden ads, …) is not allowed on the board without a moderator’s or an administrator’s authorization. Links to personal websites or Dogs of War Online team/clan/fans websites are tolerated in the user’s profile or his signature as long as they stay subtle.
- On a forum the size of your messages is not limited. Please, do not use Short messaging shorthands on the board and try to write in a correct English without too many mistakes (do not forget to proof read your messages before posting).
- Do not write with CAPSLOCK, your message will look aggressive, and this may make it harder to answer your message kindly
- Think about spacing out your messages by skipping lines and using punctuation to offer a more pleasant reading.
- When you create a new topic, do not forget to post it in the right forum. Give a clear title reflecting the content of you message.
- Only post you message in a single section. Do not post the same message multiple times.
- Avatars may not be larger than 150x150 pixels and 100kb. They cannot include pornography.
- Dogs of War Online forums are moderated. Some messages are edited after being read by a moderator.
- Moderators are allowed to simply delete a whole message or a part of this message, or to ask the author to modify it.
- Users of Dogs of War Online forums agree to respect these terms of service. It may be updated if the moderators feel it needed.
- Anyway, administrators and moderators remain the only judges in all matter and they do not have to explain their actions.